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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guus Hiddink Has Not Been Approached By Liverpool - Agent

Liverpool accept not approached Guus Hiddink about demography over at Anfield, although the above Chelsea administrator would be absorbed in demography the reigns at the club in the summer, according to his agent.

The Reds' poor anatomy has advance to belief that Rafael Benitez could lose his job, and Hiddink has been consistently mentioned as a abeyant successor.

But his agent, Cees van Nieuwenhuizen, has played down belief that he has already been approached.

"That's actually not right," he told BBC Radio Five Live.

"Each day I'm afraid if I apprehend comments in the newspapers in Russia, or in Italy with Juventus, or in England with Manchester City afore and now Liverpool.

"It would be fair to say because it's one of the big names in all-around football. But if Liverpool accept a botheration today or tomorrow afresh Guus is not available.

"Guus is not accessible for any club until August 1."

The Dutchman's abutting access with Stamford Bridge - area he won the FA Cup endure division - could play a role in chief which job he takes up next.

Van Nieuwenhuizen said: "As Guus said afterwards he larboard Chelsea, he enjoyed every additional of getting in the Premier League with Chelsea.

"He still has a actual able accord with Mr Abramovich from Chelsea.

"If he would accede a acknowledgment to the Premier League I anticipate one of the aboriginal things he would do is accord a alarm to his acquaintance Abramovich and say, 'I achievement you don't apperception if I accompany club A, B, C or whatever'.

"In a way it's a funny bearings but on the added duke Guus is aswell actual abutting with some of the humans on the abstruse agents at Chelsea like Ancelotti, who he knows very, actual well, and aswell Frank Arnesen, with whom he formed for a brace of years at PSV Eindhoven.

"So Guus doesn't wish to baffle with the accepted success adventure that Chelsea has best up afresh beneath Ancelotti

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