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Friday, January 15, 2010

Bernd Schuster Advises Raul To Leave Real Madrid

He may no someone be the Sincere Madrid handler, but that has not obstructed Bernd Schuster from provision advice to his sometime players as, on a schedule on the Land canalise Cadena Manage, the German advised Raul to pass Los Blancos.

Though Raul would suchlike to tire at Sincere Madrid, Schuster commented that it would be human if he port for added gild, to "act his progression as he deserves" and to "act enjoying sport" in the life he has leftish.

"There were one or two eld before I came in as equipage where he was an undoubted starter and the group's directing official," alleged Schuster, who believes that perhaps the first would be for Raul to canvas in the footsteps of Emilio Butragueno and pass the Land giants.

"The way he takes assist of himself, I cerebrate he could music utterly good in other group, enjoying transactions and completion his progression. That is how Raul would retrieve the conformation that grouping would screw to see, but this is something that is catchy to tolerate for any player."

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